Sonntag, 16. November 2014

Love, life and... have anybody told you today that you are beautiful?

So I just watched “The Vow” – which is a nice romantic movie – but it moved something in me – I miss love. I miss to be in love, I miss to be loved. I miss to just think of a person, and it makes you happy.
Love is so powerful, I think it’ THE REASON why we are here, or what we should experience.
We should fall in love. 
We should give love. 
We should be loved.
 But we also should be got the chance to get hurt. 
Of course, nobody in this world wants to get hurt – but if we never experience pain, how could we honestly appreciate what we have?
It would be so normal for us to be happy, that sooner or later we would get bored and forget how magical life is, or why we once fell in love.
You know, this old quote – “Life is a rollercoaster?”.
 I know, it is very cliché, but its just the truth. There will be times, when you feel so dark, you may just want it all to end, or see now point. 
But trust me, if you hold on, and believe that after every storm the sun come again, it will happen.  Yeah, of course the weather is not always the same, and sometimes you need to be stronger and keep holding on longer – but one day, you will smile again. 

And one day there will be somebody who loves you for who you are. 


Because you are beautiful, no matter what you or other people say about yourself. 


And yes, you earned it to be happy. Everybody does. You are precious.

Don’t worry about your future, your look, your love – life. If you believe in it, it will happen.

Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014

It's time... 

to write again. to fall in love again. to trust again.
I have no idea why for god's sake the thought of "hey,  you should start a blog! " popps in my mind at 01:47 in the morning, but I am a really pigheaded fellow, so here it is!
Maybe I should start to introduce myself - I am a girl, almost twenty years old, and I'm living in Europe, and English is not my mother-tongue, so I'm really sorry for the mistakes that I may make (which I am totally sure I do and will do ) , but I want to give people in the whole world the oppurtunity to understand what I am writing here, and therefor is English just perfect! (even a bad one as mine)

That's all you need to know for now.

So.. maybe you ask yourself - what this blog is about.

It's not so easy to answer that, but I can tell you, what it's not about:

.) travelling (I  love this kind of blogs, but to be honest, we all get jeaouls by seeing all these beautiful  countries, which visiting we can't afford,  are'nt we?)
.) fitness (yeah, they definitively can motivate us, but we have enough of that, I think)
.) cooking (Altough I really love cooking! ) 

I am not here to show you my perfect life, my trips, my body or great recipes -I want to share my thoughts with you. Hones thoughts, the kind of which you just don't tell everybody.

I can't guarantee that this thoughts will be interesting to read, or that you will feel connected to me or something - but if you take this journey with me, maybe you will see yourself or the world in another light - I hope so. And If not, thats also okay, perhaps you just enjoy to read things that occupy myself.

Whatever it is that makes you read this - I am really thankful for it. :)